Artificial Intelligence Ad
Companion Offer Platform

Best Network Systems, Inc.

Maximize advertising success with BNS’ Patent Pending AI-driven OTT advertising platform

Effortless Integration

Worried about complicated implementation? Don’t be. Our solution seamlessly integrates into your AVOD, FAST, MVPD environment. Plus, it’s hassle-free for consumers, requiring no additional app downloads

Unparalleled Engagement

Our AI-driven approach lets you tailor offers and promotions based on real-time, direct measurements of consumer behavior. The result? An advertising experience that’s not only relevant but irresistibly engaging.

Maximized ROI

Maximized ROI: Unleash the true potential of your advertising investment. By harnessing the prowess of AI, you’ll experience redemption rates and ROI that surpass the capabilities of traditional AdTech solutions.

Mission Statement

At Best Network Systems Inc., our mission is to empower advertisers and publishers by providing targeted companion offers resulting in increased monetization efficiency for existing advertising campaigns


  • Low Viewer Engagement, 70% of commercials ignored.
  • No direct measure of ad conversion for in-store purchases.


• Deliver conventional ad creatives as well as the BNS associated companion offer to the viewer’s smartphone eWallet pass.
• Connect to our certified VAST and Ad Tag server platform


• AI data drive insights for superior targeting based directly on consumer behavior
• Increased advertising efficiency
• Real-time data to easily monetize ad inventory.
• Significant improvement on ROAS

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Precision Advertising

Enhanced Data

Through the eWallet pass it is possible to measure consumer response from first impression to in- store redemption with precise.

Personalized Ad Creative and Companion Offers

Leveraging data-driven insights and Al technology, BNS optimizes ad efficiency, and improves selection of ad creative and companion offers.

Inventory Management

BNS can help merchants and brands adapt advertising campaign to match in-store product inventory to promotional offers.

Artificial Intelligence Ad
Companion Offer Platform

Process Flow

  • OTT Streaming Media Device ad request
  • BNS AD Platform selects ad creative and companion offer(s)
  • Ad creative delivered to OTT TV and associated companion offers delivered to consumer cellphones.

Privacy First and Fraud Detection

  • Adhere to GDPR and CCPA regulations for data privacy.
  • Follow IAB best practices for invalid traffic detection.
  • Private marketplaces (PMPs) for better control and brand safety

Strategic Partnerships & Collaborations


• BNS facilitates precise engagement through personalized ad content and companion promotional offers.
• Optimized ad campaigns and personalized offers lead to maximum revenue generation.
• Create synergies for cross promotion and joint marketing initiatives through strategic collaborations.

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